Lois Carson

Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 58, Eggs: 4


How Do I Get Fleas Out Of My Couch?

One of the most frequently found problems with owning a pet is the very real possibility of a flea infestation, the treatment of which can leave owners quite literally hopping mad. Cats, dogs, rabbits, and rodents can all play a cozy little home to fleas, and an infestation can occur immediately once a contaminated animal has come into contact with the furnishing. Even people, who do not own pets, yet have had a visitors dog brush against their couch even just once, can find themselves itching and scratching. Fortunately, while there are countless products (of mixed quality) that promise to gas fleas out of existence, it's important to address the problem in a structured, logical way to get rid of fleas from a couch permanently.

First of all, as soon as even a potential flea infestation has been detected - even just one bite - the responsible homemaker should be springing into action. Fleas mate and lay eggs not by the dozen but literally by the hundreds, and have a breeding cycle so fast as to make generations of the flea family capable of coping with the attrition of all but the most committed treatment. Put simply, an individual ought to think 'it's far more likely to save my couch' if action is taken when the fleas are new and haven't found their way into the darkest nooks of the couch.

As much as pet keepers may dislike the thought, it's pointless addressing a flea-ridden couch without making sure that the pets are de-flexed first - and this includes any fabric they may have had contact with, from their bed-space to other chairs, beds, and blankets. This is achievable by thorough high heat washes - and sometimes it's better to launder twice just to make sure. Once the pet is assuredly clear, and care has been taken to ensure that they will not pick up fleas from another infected source; it's time to look into treating the couch itself.

The vacuum is the flea fighter's best friend - and so the process now is to thoroughly Hoover up the infected sofa, wearing gloves so tight corners of fabric can be pulled apart. Literally, no area of the sofa should be left neglected, cushions should be removed - their covers washed and thoroughly dried and examined afterward - the couch needs to also be vacuumed underneath and from behind. Don't neglect the carpet either.

The next step is to apply a chemical treatment that will ensure all eggs, as well as live fleas, are killed. For some infestations, a dog or cat flea collar chopped into slices and placed strategically within the couch is enough, but for those wanting to avoid the hassle of a deep clean, it's worth looking for a quality product to apply. Before hitting the stores though, once again it cannot be stressed enough that the chemical alone will not cure the problem - the fleas themselves must be all but eradicated before these products are applied, otherwise, there is a great chance the fleas will return unpleasantly swiftly.

Pesticides are the products to look out for, and their application should be done with the utmost care and precision - remember that these are essentially poisons, and careless exposure isn't great for humans. Follow the instructions of your product to the letter, and then - hopefully - the couch will be flea free. Sadly the process isn't quite yet done. It's a great idea to slowly rebuild the sofa - leave it unused and isolated from any contact with pets for a couple of days, then use flea detection ointment like what is used on pets to carefully assess whether any are still around, If so, start again. If not, add a layer of cushions, leave and again repeat. Hopefully, within a few days the couch will be human-friendly again - just consider how great an idea it is to allow pets up in the first place! Hire Pest Control Ballarat professionals to get rid of fleas from your couch.
2019-12-14 19:54:35, views: 1416, Comments: 0