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Modern Procedures of Cancer Treatment in India

Overview of Cancer

Human body cells have fixed life-spans and naturally die with their age to be replaced with new cells. Cancer develops when cellular changes cause uncontrolled growth beyond normal limits due to a lack of components that instruct them to stop dividing. The continuous growth and division of such cells result in the formation of tumors.

These cancerous i.e. malignant tumors impair the immune system of the body and cause various other changes that interfere with the normal functioning of the body. Often cancerous cells from tumors break away from their place of origin i.e. Primary cancer and invade or spread to adjacent cells through bloodstream or lymph system to form new tumors in other organs of the body.

The early warning signs of cancer commonly observed among cancer patients are:

1. Changes in bowel or bladder habits

2. A sore that does not heal

3. Unusual bleeding or discharge

4. Thickening or lump formation in the breast or elsewhere

5. Indigestion or difficulty in swallowing

6. Obvious change in a wart or mole

7. Nagging cough

8. Hoarseness of voice

9.White patches inside the mouth or on the tongue

In addition, unexplained weight loss, fever, pain, fatigue and skin changes can be indicative of the development of cancer and need investigation by a doctor.

Some of the most dangerous cancers prevalent among men and women are:

1. Lung

2. Pancreas

3. Liver

4. Colon

5. Prostrate

6. Breast

7. Ovarian

8. Cervical

9. Bone

Types of Cancer Treatment

Treatment of cancer depends upon the type and place of cancer, stage of cancer and overall health of the patient. The cancer treatments for different types of cancers include:

1. Surgery - to remove cancer or as much of cancer as possible.

2. Chemotherapy - uses drugs to kill cancer cells.

3. Radiation Therapy- using energy from X-rays or Protons for External Beam Radiation (EBRT) and Stereotactic Body Radiation therapies (SBRT)

4. Immuno-Therapy - to stimulate and restore the ability of a patient’s immune system to fight cancer.

5. Hormone Therapy – to removing those hormones from the body or blocking their effects may cause the cancer cells to stop growing.

6. Stem cell or Bone Marrow Transplant – to replace diseased bone marrow using the patient’s own bone marrow stem cells or harvested from a donor.

7. Targeted Therapy- to slow down the progression of cancer

8. Precision or personalized medicine therapy

9. Embolization Therapy - is a procedure in which blood flow to cancer cells

10. Tumor Ablation treatment - to destroy cancerous tumors without removing them.                                                          

In addition, Supportive Palliative Care is used to provide relief from pain and other symptoms for patients with advanced cancers.

Why choose Cancer Hospitals and Surgeons in India for Cancer surgery?

Patients choose India for the cancer surgery because of ultra-modern, world-class hospital infrastructure and highly qualified, skilled and experienced cancer surgeons in India.  

Above all, the cost of cancer surgery in India is extremely low as compared to other countries.

Which are the Top 10 Cancer Surgeons of India?

List of 10 Top Cancer Surgeons of India include:

1. Suresh H. Advani

2. Harit Chaturvedi

3. S Hukku

4. Kapil Kumar

5. Ashok Vaid

6. P.L. Kariholu

7. Subodh Chandra Pande

8. Bidhu K Mohanti

9. Vinod Rain

10. Sabyasachi bal 

How Forerunners Healthcare assist a cancer patient?

Forerunners Healthcare Consultant, being a responsible and India’s leading medical healthcare company providing low-cost treatment to cancer patients.

In order to help a cancer patient, we guide them for the most cost-effective yet efficient cancer treatment and arrange:

1. Meeting with the best cancer doctors in India

2. Treatment in a world-class hospital

3. Visa, in case of international patients

4. Accommodation for people accompanying patients

In addition, we also help critical cancer patients in offering free pick and drop facility from the airport to hospital and treatment on priority from best cancer doctors in India.

Our experienced Medical Counselors are Happy to answer your questions, Assist in Scheduling your Free and Instant Appointment and help you on your Journey to Achieve your Health Goals.

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Contact No: +91-9371136499




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