Lois Carson

Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 58, Eggs: 4


Ways and Techniques to Spot and Assess the Size of Bed Bugs

Waking up in the morning, it seems that you did not have a good night’s sleep at all. Nasty bites are all over your body and you were horrified at the sight of red bumps. Looking at the size of your bites, it makes you wonder what size of bed bugs could have bitten you.


Bed bugs are tiny little creatures with the size of an apple seed but do not get deceived by its size as these blood-sucking critters can give you nasty bites that burn and itches like hell. That is why it is important to look out for any outbreak and start controlling the possible infestation of bed bugs inside your home.

The size of bed bugs is that small they can be undetectable. Some household does not even know they actually even have bed bugs. Most would call for Geelong Pest control specialists and makes use of fumigation to clear their homes from pests. However, fumigation is not at all effective and the only thing you can do to exterminate them is to detect and remove them yourself.

The first sign you need to look at is the visual signs that can be identified by streaks of blood present on your bedsheets. These night crawlers like to suck on blood that is why stains are the most common signs. Using white bed sheets is the best to use in identifying bed bugs, avoid using sheets with darker shades especially red and black.


You could also check for bed bugs in your headboard as it is one of the most undisturbed parts of your bed making it the perfect breeding ground for bed bugs. Spotting their nest is also good, the size of bed bugs nest is that of a pepper grain and they look like rust spots. You can remove the bugs and the eggs by vacuuming them.

Another method you can use to know that these little pests are invading your home is through its smell. A smell of recently squished bed bugs, or for others the smell of rotten coriander or almonds is how to identify an infestation. Other do it yourself methods can be done to detect and exterminate them using effective and helpful bed bug eradication methods no matter what size of bed bugs would that is.

One example of DIY methods in detecting bed bugs is to make use of double-sided tapes attached to the headboard and around the mattress of your bed. You also have to make sure to apply a painter’s tape before attaching the double-sided tape to avoid damaging your varnished headboard.

After attaching the double-sided tape, you can leave it overnight and for sure they will be caught no matter what size of bed bugs would that be. After the confirmation, the next step you must to take is extermination. Remember to always clean your house to prevent these insects from infesting your homes or else, they will always keep coming back.

2019-12-13 16:36:08, views: 2392, Comments: 0