Lois Carson

Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 58, Eggs: 4


Ways to Protect Your House Foundation in Snow Driven Conditions

People usually think that foundation woes are over after the rainy season, but it is not true at all. This is because the heavy rains are known to be among the major reason for foundation damage and it is easy for a person to forget that snow can be equally detrimental. The snow would usually get liquefy whenever the temperature is above the freezing point. It would make it quite similar to the flooding conditions after the heavy rains during the months of the summer season. The house foundation repairs suggest trying every possible way of protecting your house foundation from severe damage.


Major Problems That are Caused By Wet Foundations

There are many foundations that have been built with brick, stone or concrete and the fair job for doing the same is keeping the
basement dry. However, these materials are known to be porous and water could make its way inside the foundation of your house. The water that has been collected around the foundation of your house can also lead to some serious issues concluded by foundation repair experts:


The standing water would start to get inside your house and weaken the foundation walls as well as it will result in cracks.

Bowing Walls

The dirt present near the foundation expands and many amounts of expansion can put some sort of undue pressure upon your foundation. However, restumping experts can cause bowing walls.


Foundation heaving occurs when moisture-saturated soil forces your home’s foundation upward. Your foundation is arguably known to be a vital part of your house but many people do not think about foundation until and unless it faces any kind of issue.

How You Can Prepare Your House For the Winter Season?

The major key to making sure that your house can stand against the winter is maintaining the exteriors of your house. The house foundation repair experts suggest paying attention to some tasks such as:

Taking Care of Your Gutters

Gutters are usually designed for carrying rainwater away from the foundation of your house. In case, if your gutters are properly draining but the ground present near your foundation is left wet or it can also show signs of erosion. You should regularly consider extending the downspouts of your house.

Shoveling Snow

However, clearing the snow away from your house and avoid the drenching of your foundation. The snow is known for melting into thousands of gallons of water.

Landscaping and Maintaining the Proper Drainage System

The landscape present near your house should always slope downward for directing the water away from your foundation. In case, this is not possible the house underpinning expert recommends to install the drainage system for keeping your foundation dry.


Why Do You Need to Hire Experts?

The experts working with us at Total Underpinning Melbourne have done expertise in dealing with the major foundation problems. You would come across underpinning companies in Melbourne but our company is listed among the best services provider in locality.

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