Lois Carson

Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 58, Eggs: 4


Why Customers prefer Dry Carpet Cleaning Oven Steam Cleaning

When did you consider that it is time to clean your home carpets, which of these robust cleaning systems is the most preferred way? Rugs can detain pollutants such as mold, spores, and bacteria in their fibers. It confines the virus norovirus that can survive in the tissues of your carpet as long as a month without a host, which can cause stomach flu. Most carpets are known to be about 4000 times unsanitary than toilet seats and approximately seven times filthier than city streets. The air inside a home or office generally holds twice the dust particles outside, which accumulates to roughly a million microscopic dust particles for every cubic inch of air. When sustained properly and clean regularly, a carpet can improve the quality of air in your home or office.

Dry Carpet Cleaning versus Steam Cleaning?

There are different approaches that professional carpet cleaners utilize to clean carpets. When considering a professional carpet cleaning company to clean your carpet, you may see words stating that 'dry cleaning method' or 'we use heavy mounted steam cleaning."

So which of these cleaning methods is the preferred choice when it comes to the best and secure way to get your carpet cleaned and sanitized? If you are not familiar with either method of professional cleaning and is in doubt on which one is most preferred.

Before Deciding on a Method, let's take a look at the two most popular methods for carpet cleaning techniques

  • Dry Carpet Cleaning: is more prompt and uncomplicated than you would think. A cleaning powder, which is moderately moistened using just the recommended amount of detergent and wetting agents, is distributed over a carpet. The mixture is then dispersed into the granules using a machine which penetrates to absorb the dirt and deodorize in the rug. These are then vacuumed, leaving a dry, clean carpet.

  • Steam Cleaning: involves using steam for cleaning. It utilizes high power truck-mounted gadgets to dispense hot water onto the carpet. A high power commercial vacuum is then used to suck up almost all the water and cleaning solutions out of the rug.

While both methods are standard cleaning methods for your carpet, which way is more preferred. When sanitizing your carpet, you want to ensure that it will be clean and also well taken care of so that it lasts you a long time.

Dry carpet cleaning is commonly known to take less time to dry and is ready for use almost immediately after. Contrary to the common misunderstanding that dry carpet cleaning techniques consist of sprinkling the rug during the cleaning. The compounds include natural biodegradable ingredients such as maize and wood. It is then transformed into sponge-like particles that will be distributed onto the carpet to absorb stain residue and dirt. When dirt and stains effectively dissolved and removed, it leaves your carpet looking rejuvenated and brand new.

If you are concerned about chemical exposure in the process of sanitizing the carpet then dry carpet cleaning is the ideal choice seeing as the biodegradable components are commonly used contains minimal chemical contents that can be extracted from the carpet easily.


Dry carpet cleaning includes:

  • Low water usage

  • Less wait time for drying, 1-2 hours

  • Healthier cleaning method

  • Low-pressure application

  • No sticky residue

  • Active cleaning solution

Steam Cleaning includes:

  • High water usage

  • Inactive cleaning solution

  • Harsh chemicals and detergents

  • Sticky residue

  • Longer drying time, 1-2 days

  • Excessive water can cause mildew or molds


When comparing the two methods of carpet cleaning services and carpet cleaning techniques, it is preferred to use our dry carpet cleaning services. Not only is it safe with minimal chemical exposure but it is also recommends less time to complete and will be ready for use almost immediately. To ensure that your carpet is in tip-top conditions all year round seek the help of our Professional Carpet Cleaners Brisbane, so that your carpet can stick around for many years to come.
2019-11-29 22:52:46, views: 1298, Comments: 0