
Location: United States of America
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comptia a+ job description

The professionals are responsible for identifying and resolving any issues related to specific hardware and components. They have a good understanding of networks and connections such as TCP/IP, WiFi, and SOHO. The certification also teaches them how to troubleshoot the hardware, application security, devices, and other network issues. The certified experts should safeguard the network connections and devices.

The CompTIA a+ certification will train the individual to identify and describe various types of data storage devices and other backup media. The professionals are capable of working with different types and features of motherboard components.
The candidate does not need any higher degree to sign up for this certification. Students can go for this certification even after finishing their high school. There is no specific stream as such, but it is advisable to go for computer science or information technology if given a chance. It will help the candidate to learn some fundamentals of the computer and its components.
comptia a+ job description
2019-11-25 22:09:45, views: 1028, Comments: 0