Lois Carson

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DIY Methods For Couch Stain Removal

stained by any means but if not treated then it can decolorize and damage the fabric. If you ignore couch stain removal then it will automatically increase the growth of germs and bacteria harmful for you and your family. If you are not willing to hire professionals for this job then some DIYs are provided below for effective couch stain removal at home:


Methods To Remove Stain From Couch

White Vinegar

If there is fresh staining on the couch then you can use white vinegar for couch stain removal. Prepare a solution by mixing warm water and concentrated vinegar and then pour it inside a spray bottle. Spray the solution over the sanitized couch area and make sure to saturate it. Leave the solution settles for 30 minutes and let it restore the stain. Remove staining liquid and vinegar using a wet cloth. White vinegar is antimicrobial and hence it can also help you in sanitization.

Soda or Carbonated Water

Upholstery and couches are available with different fabric types and each type of fabric has different stain removal method. If the couch fabrics are sensitive then you can use carbonated water because it is mild and have ph natural so do not pose any harm to the couch fabric. Pour soda water on the stain and allow it to settle for some time. Now blot the stain with a wet cloth until it reaches all around the stain. After some time, dry couch and make it sure that it is dirt less and clean.

Baking Soda

Baking soda is anti fungal and antimicrobial, so it can be the best substance you can use for couch stain removal. It also helps in couch sanitization and couch deodorization. Make a paste by mixing water and baking soda, apply the paste on the stain and let it dry. After some time a pasting of soda will be observed and remove it with the help of a brush. Now clean the stained couch fabric with the help of wet cloth and vacuum cleaner to dry it out.


How Can We Help You?

Fresh Professional Upholstery Cleaning Hobart provides all the professional upholstery cleaning services available. We have a team of professionals to help you with all upholstery cleaning processes like couch stain removal, couch dry cleaning, and hot water extraction. In Hobart we are the most reputed couch cleaning experts.

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