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Things You Need to Know About Teeth Whitening

We’ve all heard of the million-dollar smile, and essential to a great classic smile is pearly white teeth. It’s no surprise that teeth whitening is becoming an ever more popular procedure.  With many of us wanting to avoid the cost and hassle of more drastic procedures, getting your teeth whitened can be a quick and cost-effective way to boost your appearance.

With teeth whitening products now available over the counter, as well as at your local Banyo dental clinics, you might be wondering if it is safer to have the procedure completed by your dentist, or whether you can save the hassle and do it at home.

When considering whether to whiten your teeth, and whether you can do it at home, it’s important to consider the risks – so here are some things to consider.

Ask your dentist

While the risks of having your teeth whitened by your dentist are always going to be lower, you might have your heart set on a certain at-home product. Even still, the Australian Dental Association recommends having a consultation with your dentist first.  A simple solution here is to wait until your next check-up with a Banyo dentist, let them know what you’re planning on doing, and seek their advice. Your dentist will check your mouth for any potential contraindications, likely side effects, and also the lifestyle factors that can improve your teeth pre and post (or instead of) treatment.  Your dentist can also explain the cost to have the procedure completed by them – allowing you to make a more informed decision on how to proceed.

At-home and over-the-counter products are riskier

To lower the risk of any issues, and to ensure that you are a suitable candidate for teeth whitening, teeth whitening should be carried out by, or under the guidance of, your Banyo dental professional.

Whitening products use hydrogen peroxide or carbamide peroxide to bleach the teeth. Burns and injuries are not uncommon if these substances make contact with your mouth, gums or throat, which can make self-application a risky event.

As you probably suspect, if you’re also looking for the best results possible, it’s always best to have the procedure performed by your dentist. At-home kits often provide unsatisfying, or no, results.  This is due to the lower concentration of bleaching products.  Only dental professionals are allowed to use products with higher concentrations of the active ingredients in whitening products.

What are the risks?

Even when carried out by a professional, there are potential risks. You may experience increased tooth sensitivity, for around two days.  There can also be mild discomfort and zapping sensations felt by a patient.  While this only appears in some patients, and usually passes, if you are experiencing these symptoms for more than a few days, consider calling your Banyo dentist for an emergency appointment.

Banyo dental teeth whitening options

So should you get your teeth whitened? The choice is yours! Teeth whitening is a very common procedure, and when performed correctly, can be an effective and efficient way to boost your confidence and improve your smile. If you want to know more, contact your Banyo dentist before considering an at-home treatment.


2019-11-09 19:51:02, views: 5943, Comments: 0

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