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Reduce Your Extra Weight with Sleeve Gastrectomy Surgery


Sleeve gastrectomy is a surgical procedure that induces weight reduction by using restricting food consumption. With this procedure, which is generally performed laparoscopically, the surgeon eliminates approximately 75% of the abdominal.  This results in the belly taking up the shape of a tube or "sleeve" which holds much less food.  Although initially devised as the first stage of a two-stage manner for super overweight or high-risk patients, the sleeve gastrectomy is now normally and efficaciously used as a destination procedure for weight reduction in person with BMI greater than 40.


Most sleeve gastrectomy accomplished these days are done laparoscopically. This involves making 5 to 6 small incisions in the abdomen and acting the method the use of a video camera (laparoscope) and long instruments that are placed through the one's small incisions. Sleeve gastrectomy is a restrictive form of operation wherein approximately 2/3rd of the left side of the stomach is eliminated laparoscopically the use of endoscopic staplers. The stomach thus takes the form of a hockey stick or sleeve. It could be completed as either the first level of a two-stage process for high-quality overweight where it could be accompanied by the malabsorptive surgical operation or as a single-stage procedure by itself.

The capability of the stomach ranges among 60 - 100 cc. Unlike many other types of bariatric surgical procedure, the outlet valve and the nerves of the stomach stays intact at the same time as only the belly size is considerably decreased. Even though a non-reversible process, the part of the stomach that incorporates ghrelin, the hormone for starvation is eliminated; it extensively reduces your urge for food and hormones that control diabetes.

The hourglass configuration best constricts the top stomach hence acting as a purely restrictive operation. Since the outlet is small, food stays inside the pouch longer and one additionally feels satiated for a longer time.

How I prepare for the surgery

Before choosing a life-converting choice like undergoing process bariatric surgical treatment, both physicians and patients decide if it is the best decision. Patients are also informed about the results of the surgical operation, inclusive of the risks, viable effects, commitment wanted before and after the sleeve gastrectomy, and ultimately different non-surgical medically supervised weight reduction program.

Before being approved for sleeve gastrectomy, all sufferers need to present copies in their medical records with the results of the evaluation, clinical clearance from the primary care health practitioner, as well as psychological clearance. Similarly, patients need to be conscious and committed to numerous lifestyle changes, which lessens the side effects and improve the chances of reaching the targeted goals.

How much weight do I lose?

Numerous studies have documented superb weight-loss up to three years after sleeve gastrectomy.3-6 in higher BMI sufferers who go through the procedure; the average patient will lose 40 – 50 % of their excess weight within the first year after the surgery. This generally equates to about 125 pounds of weight reduction for patients with a BMI of more than 60.

Precaution after surgery:

While you get gastric sleeve surgery, you are making a massive change to the way your body handles food. It can take some time to get used to your body's normal. Similarly to eating a sensible diet, exercise is a key part of staying healthy and keeping weight loss after surgery. Individuals who follow the recommended diet regimen and exercising plan frequently lose a large amount of weight inside the months after gastric sleeve surgical procedure. After that, the weight starts to stabilize.

If you are searching for sleeve gastrectomy weight loss surgery in India. Get Free Consultation call: +91-9373055368 or Email us:
2019-11-05 21:29:53, views: 656, Comments: 0

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