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How to Succeed in Succeeding

Succeed in succeeding

People are always striving for ways to get that next promotion, job offer or just the first job in the field that they are dreaming of entering many people fail to understand that having the right education is not enough that is just the first step in order to get the job, the networking is just as important.

Dress for success

Many people love the fact that you need to dress a certain way to be with the crowd of a specific industry, they might like the feeling of dressing up for the office meeting or they are the most comfortable in their blue jeans that they always wear to the construction site. Other people do not like the fact that you need to dress in a certain way and would prefer a relax dress code. Everyone has their own opinion about the dress codes but the fact of the matter is that if you want to fit in and be a part of the industry a big part of that is following the dress code of that industry.

So how does one know what the dress code is for a specific industry? There are many different ways of finding out but the easiest might be to ask! People who are uncertain and do not know anyone in the industry that they are entering and need to have dress code advice for an event can ask online e.g. the site have a community for each industry where one can ask before attending a networking event for law students one might first ask over at the reddit community for law students

Spend money to make money

There is more to success than dress codes you will have to work hard and play the cards right as well but a factor that is not often mentioned is the theory that you need to spend money to make money this is both a light hearted saying as well as something of a belief system for a few people, but even if the theory does not turn out to have a basis in science it is simply easier to be relax and do your best if you spoil yourself a little bit and it very well might be that people who buy e.g. a new SUV and treat theamselves a little bit can relax more at work and feel happier and that the organization notices the happier employee and the employee then get fast tracked for promotions.

We do not claim that spending money to make money works but the worst thing that can happen if you spend some money on yourself is that you have some nice things in your home.


It is a rough world out there and many people to compete with so the person looking for success will need to use every tool in the toolbox to get one step ahead of the competition. A prerequisite is of course to have the correct schooling, a college degree or from a trade school depending on where one is heading. But after that it is so much more that needs to happen, the networking aspect for someone who is just graduating is usually ignored but it is very important to socialize and to know how to do it and what the codes are in the new industry. For someone who has been in the industry for a long time it is also important to keep on following the dress codes and social codes and not get comfortable but also to make sure that they themselves feel good and are happy with that they have in life both when it comes to relationships but also simple material things it is much easier to be relaxed and happy if the stress of a broken car or a leaking A/C unit is not on one’s mind.         
2019-11-05 07:09:19, views: 3654, Comments: 0

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