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The Beneficial Outcomes and Risk Factors Associate with Eye Transplantation

What is eye transplantation?

Eye transplantation, which is also known as corneal transplantation or corneal grafting, is a medical-surgical procedure where a damaged or diseased cornea (clear front part of the eyes) is replaced by another tissue, which is donated by a donor.

The cornea is the most cardinal part of the eyes, which covers the iris, pupil and anterior chamber. But when our cornea gets damaged due to any eye ailment or eye injury, it may cause serious vision issues. To restore this abnormality a patient undergoes eye transplantation which is performed by ophthalmologists, an eye specialist.

When does a person need eye transplantation?

The cornea is the front window of the eyes, which allows a person to see things clearly. But when due to some deficiency or damage the cornea gets malfunctioned, it is prior that a patient should consult an eye specialist.

Following are the list of some eye-problems that are noticed in the patients, which may need corneal transplantation. 

1. Scarring of the cornea due to infection, trauma and other defects.

2. A degenerative condition called Keratoconus, causing the thinning and irregular shape of the cornea.

3. The signs of corneal ulcers or sores due to an infection

4. Thinning, clouding or swelling of the cornea

5. Discomfort aroused due to the previous eye-operation.

What are the possible risks associated with eye transplantation?

Usually, the success rate of corneal transplant surgeries is high, but still, it is a sensitive procedure, a patient may come across following risks after surgery. 

1. A patient may observe eyes-Infection.

2. “Glaucoma” can cause due to excessive pressure inside the eye.

3. There are rare chances that a recipient’s body can reject the new cornea.

4. In some case eye becomes progressively opaque, resulting in blurred vision which is also known as cataracts

5. After eye- transplantation surgery a patient may face irritation problem in the stitching area. 

6. A patient may experience swelling in the cornea.

Recovery time after eye transplantation

After cornea transplantation in India, it usually takes 6 to 12 weeks for a patient to fully recover from the surgery. After surgery, for a certain period of time, a patient may see things blurry, but it is considered as normal and gets clear, after a time interval. 

For better recovery patients are suggested not to do heavy exercise and tiring work for a couple of weeks. If everything goes at a normal pace, a patient can go back to his normal routine soon. 

Precautions after eye transplantation?

After critical eye surgery, there are following safety measures that a patient should take for gentle recovery.   

1. Avoid rubbing your eyes, as it may cause physical strain.

2. To protect your eyes from irritation, stay clear from dust and smoke.

3. A high-intensity light can cause twinge in your eyes, it is better to wear sunglass in such exposures.

4. There are good chances of outspread of infection through water. So, at least for a month avoid water to enter into your eyes.

5. Keep away from Heavy exercise and burdensome work till the recovery. 

Why India is Internationally known for eye transplantation?

Cornea transplantation being a critical surgery needs an additional precaution and care. The slightest error in the surgery may lead to malfunctioning. So, it becomes essential that the surgeon who is performing the surgery should be experienced and well trained.  

Eye cornea transplant in India is done by the most shorted eye surgeons, who have gained the mastery in this domain after years of practice. These skilful doctors consistently work on their innovativeness to enhance the medical procedure to make the surgery safe and effective.

The Corneal Transplant Cost in India is extremely affordable with excellent airport connectivity and the state of art infrastructure that makes the Indian medical system more accessible and comfort worthy.

We Offer you Free Consultation with the Top Eye Surgeons in India at the Best Eye Transplant Hospitals in India

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