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VAPR© Specializes in Authentic Vaping Products from Reputable Sources

The popularity of vaping has led to hundreds of black market products being disseminated to unsuspecting people around the world. Julian Davis is the owner of VAPR©, New Zealand’s No. 1 vape shop, and the company prides itself on only providing authentic products from reputable companies.

With more than 1,500 vaping-related illnesses and 33 deaths in the U.S., it’s a lesson for people to only purchase their vaping supplies from reliable and respected sources that have a proven reputation for trustworthiness. In many of the instances in the U.S., the culprit can be traced to counterfeit vaping products sold by the unscrupulous in an effort to make quick money.

VAPR© offers a comprehensive array of vaping materials, regulated mods NZ, starter kits, and one of the most comprehensive selections of juices available anywhere. All products have been thoroughly vetted to be from authentic and reputable sources.

The problem in the U.S. takes advantage of individuals that have transitioned to vaping as an alternative to smoking traditional cigarettes or as a means of quitting smoking. Tobacco contains over 7,000 toxins and carcinogens that are released when it’s burned. Vaping provides the sensation of smoking without the dangerous chemicals and doesn’t leave the odor of cigarette smoke on clothing, cars and furnishings.

One reason that New Zealand vapour products have become so popular is the control factor. Vapers can choose exactly what they can place in their device that meets their own preferences rather than relying on the dictates of someone else. Individuals can control the concentration of the nicotine liquid and there are also nicotine-free juices.

Studies have shown that vaping is also more socially acceptable than traditional smoking. It’s become a social activity, much like having a martini after work was the relaxation method of choice in the past for stressed business executives.

There are multiple reasons why VAPR© has earned a reputation as the No. 1 NZ vape shop. The highest quality products, affordable prices, and a comprehensive selection of juices, devices, and accessories have all contributed to the company’s premiere reputation. Choice, convenience and flexibility are all factors that the company provides.
2019-10-21 16:25:19, views: 658, Comments: 0

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