
Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 9, Eggs: 2


Going Local for Meats is Best for Everyone

When you buy your meat from a local Bicton butcher or direct from a local family farm, there are many benefits to this. Going local in your meat, fruit, and vegetables is not just good for the income of your local growers and farmers. It is also good for you and your community, and for the environment too. When you start using locally sourced food suppliers you can trust where your food is coming from and what is in it.

Feel safer about what you put in your body

If you know where your meat is coming from, you are better able to learn how the animals are being treated, what goes into the process of packing the meat. With locally farmed meat there is less chance of hormones and antibiotics being used on the animals. If you want you could even go and visit to see how the farm works. This way you can avoid eating meat where the only concern was fast growth and big profits. From the local farm, the meat then goes to a local Bicton butcher shop, or wherever is local to you. There is no longer drive, huge costs in transportation and fuel, keeping it frozen for long periods.

Sourcing local meat is better for the environment

The above point about shorter transportation costs means getting local meat is better for the environment too. Less burned fuel means less carbon dioxide being put into the atmosphere. This is good for the whole world not just where you live. More people are becoming aware of the need to make better and greener choices. Looking after the planet does not have to be about just big decisions like driving an electric car. Small choices like buying locally at a Bicton butcher, when done by many people can have a huge impact also.

Build a relationship with local farmers

Many farmers are delighted to know that people are eating and enjoying their produce and their meat and dairy. They are happy to show you around, talk about their work, show you the love and respect that goes into the work they do. A better relationship between farmers and consumers means better trust that the meat you are eating is of excellent quality. You can trust that the food source is safe for you and your family.

Visit your local Bicton butcher shop and ask them about where the meat comes from. Look for butchers that source their meat from local farms and become a loyal customer. Choose foods that are better for you and for the environment, being free from insecticides, herbicides, and other poisons. Get back to what our grandparents and great grandparents used to eat. High quality, well treated, safe great tasting meat bought from a local butcher shop, sourced from local farms.

2019-10-11 17:13:26, views: 6833, Comments: 0