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5 Ingenious Employee Engagement Initiatives

If there is one thing that any business needs to get to grips with in order to be a success it is employee engagement. Without engaged employees the work that needs to be done is unlikely to be to the highest standard, and, on top of that you can also find that your staff turnover is high and happiness levels are low.

So with this in mind, it makes sense that many businesses are going to want to make sure that employee engagement is taken seriously. To help you to figure out the best ways to make sure that your employees are happy and engaged in what they do, let’s take a look at the 5 most ingenious employee engagement initiatives that you can try out for yourself.

Try out flexible working

Employees are more engaged with their work if they feel that their needs are being listened to and met. Of course, it is not always easy to meet the needs of every single employee within a company, however there are things that can be done which will help employees to feel valued and appreciated across the board.
One way to do this is to encourage flexible working. Flexible working is when you allow your employees the freedom to set a working schedule that is going to work much better with their needs. Of course, flexible working does need to still suit business needs, but it is definitely a great way to show your employees that you recognize that they have a life outside of work and that both work and personal life need to be as balanced as possible.
It will also help them to feel less stressed about having to think about both aspects of their life. Which means that when they are at work they are definitely going to be more focused on the things that they need to do there.

Make communication a priority

If there is one thing that is going to help make sure that your staff members are engaged, it is communication. It might not sound like it is that important, but being able to communicate properly and ensure that your staff members feel listened to as well as informed, that is hugely beneficial for your business.
The trouble with communication it is not the easiest of things to get to grips with. There are a variety of approaches that you can try, however, you often won’t know what works until you actually give it a go. One tried and tested method that seems to work for many businesses is to have an employee intranet site that can be visited whenever staff need to refer to internal information. Alternatively, an employee engagement app
is another viable option. In fact, this is more likely to be used as it is downloaded to the employees' personal devices so these are becoming quite popular due to their familiar, social media-based user experience.

Being honest and authentic

You should never underestimate the power of being open, honest and authentic as a company. People want to feel that they are trusted and they also need to feel that they are able to trust in their employer in return. Mutual respect
and empowerment is key for any workplace.
Not only this, but if employees work within a company that operates an open and honest environment, then they, in turn, will also be much more likely to be open, honest and collaborative with their colleagues and with their management too.

Encourage feedback

Absolutely no-one in this world is perfect and every company can benefit from receiving feedback on how they are doing (including hearing some uncomfortable truths when needed). It isn’t always easy to give feedback, especially if you are an employee and you have some ideas on how a business could change but you feel your ideas aren’t welcome or could adversely affect your career prospects.
It is important that every employee in your business feels able to give feedback on what they think is going well, along with feedback on the things that need to be improved on too. Not only will this help them to feel engaged and appreciated in everything that they do for the business, but you may also find that they have some great ideas to share that you might not have thought about.

Have shared goals

We all have our own goals in our lives whether they are career- or relationship-related. Goals are really important in business too, as they help companies to focus and have measurable objectives to work towards. The trouble is, in order to get to that goal, you are going to need to make sure that every single employee is on board along the way and hitting critical milestones on time.

Anyone knows that you are going to find it really hard to work to a goal, if you don’t really have an interest in it. Which is why it is a really good idea to ensure that you share your goals as a business with your employees and get them excited about their personal contributions. If they know where you see the business
going in the future, then they can focus themselves on how they can be a part of getting you there; allowing them to be much more engaged with what they do as part of their daily work.

As you can see, employee engagement although may be important for your company, but it need not be as hard as you think. Try your best to engage with your employees the way you’d like to be engaged in their shoes and you will see a rise in their productivity and how hard they work for you.

2019-08-28 03:56:58, views: 311, Comments: 0

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