Lois Carson

Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 58, Eggs: 4


Eliminating Squirrels from Your House Permanently

To eliminate squirrels that are living in your attic, crawlspace, or walls follow these steps:

1. Locate hole or holes that the squirrels are entering. Check eaves, overhangs, around chimneys etc. Gray and red squirrels frequently enter around the higher areas of your house.

2. Be sure squirrels are outside before sealing up hole or holes. You can do this by making loud noise such as pounding on walls loud music heavy metal works best, flashing lights, stomping on attic floor, etc

3. Seal crack with wood or heavy duty wire screen. If you were unable to scare or chase it out and you believe that it may still be in your house, staple the wire screen on the top and both sides but not at the bottom. Make sure the screen hangs about 10 inches below the squirrel hole. This should give the squirrel enough room to squeeze out but make it hard to get back in through the hole.


4. Sprinkle repellent in areas where squirrels were entering and most movement was taking place.

5. Squirrels can be persistent and may chew up throughout again and again particularly if they have had babies in your home. If you suspect this is the case the litter must also be carefully removed. If a squirrel has taken up abode in your home, attic, walls, basement or garage and is unfeasible to seal it out, the only logical ways to control squirrels is with a live trap. They can make quite a mess and perhaps cause serious damage.

Squirrels will clean their teeth by sometimes chewing on your electrical wires. This can cause the wires to short out and may become a fire risk. Rapping them with a live trap may be indispensable. Set the trap or bait on a level surface and locate it beside a wall of a building or in a path frequently voyage by Squirrels. Peanut butter works well for bait. Be certain and test out live traps every day.

6. Make certain all trees are trimmed back at least 7 or 8 feet from your house.

7. Talk to your utility company about placing squirrel baffles or other deterrents on wires leading to your roof

8. It is advised by professional Pest Control Sydney to never kill or injure a squirrel. In many states they are protected by law. Sealing them out, trapping or repellents will usually deter them.

2019-08-02 17:25:33, views: 2078, Comments: 0