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The Ins And Outs Of Using An Iphone

Once you play with an iphone for a few minutes you are sure to fall in love. This is because iphones allow anyone that uses them to find features that cater towards their needs, and that helps them create a device that is going to be their personal aid throughout their life.

If you accidently get your iPhone wet, there is hope! First, do not push the power button; this may cause additional damage. Dry off the phone as much as possible and then put it in a bowl with uncooked rice. Allow it to sit for at least 12 hours. This should help the phone dry out and allow you to use it again.

If you need to get back up to the top of a page, there is no need to use the scroll bar to slowly make your way up a long web page or email. Simply tap the bar at the top with the clock and you will be right back where you started. This is a simple shortcut that can save you time.

Do you often wonder where that plane is going that is flying above you? Ask Siri. If you have an iPhone 4S, you can ask Siri what flights are overhead at any given moment. This is because of Siri's relationship with the search engine Wolfram Alpha which keeps track of the data.

If you need to write an email or document in all caps on the iphone, simply tap the shift key twice to lock it. This is similar to how you would set the caps lock on any standard keyboard. You can then write your document in all caps easily without having to continuously tap the shift key over and over again.

If you accidentally drop your iPhone into some water, do not turn it on right away or you can permanently damage it. Dry the phone with a towel and sit it in a bowl of rice overnight. This will help draw out all of the water that may have gotten into hidden areas.

The iPhone displays previews of messages coming in on your lock screen. You might find this annoying rather than convenient. If this annoys you, you should know that you can turn this feature off. First, go to Settings, then Notifications, then Messages. Show Preview is the option you want to turn off.

While the iPhone recognizes an amazing variety of fingertip gestures, you may not always be in a position to perform the more complicated maneuvers like pinching and swiping. You can turn on the Assistive Touch option to make your iPhone into a single-finger machine. This will add an interface icon to the bottom corner of your screen. Tapping it will bring up a menu that will allow you to use complex gestures with one finger.

It is easy to save an image from Safari on your iPhone. When you are on the image you want, tap and hold down on the image. A message will come up, asking you if you want to "Cancel" or "Save Image". Obviously, you will want to pick the "Save Image" option.

You may take a picture without shaking your iphone
. Just use the volume control that is on the cord of your headphones. Make your hand as steady as possible before you take your photo. Once you have your shot set, press a cord button.

If you lose your connection while writing an email or if you encounter another issue with your iPhone, check the outgoing folder of your mail box. You will be able to finish writing your email. Use this folder to make sure all your messages have been sent, especially if you encountered a connection problem while sending your email.

Turn on character count in your text message settings. Not everyone has an iphone. A simple tweak in the settings will turn on your word count. Leaving the SMS character count visible on your phone will help you be more considerate when texting friends or family without iphones of their own.

If you find that Siri's voice is a bit annoying to you, you do have choices. Locate the Siri app in the General Settings menu. You can then set Siri's language to English, French or German. You can even change her voice, if you wish, to reflect a British or Australian accent. In fact, British Siris are male.

There are applications on the iphone that let you track where your friends are at all times. These applications require both, you and your friend to accept each other on the application, but can be worth the download. This is because if your friend or their phone ever becomes lost, it or they will be easy to find.

A great tip if you own an iphone is to be very careful about handling it near water. Cell phones and other portable electronic gadgets get ruined all the time by people jumping into a pool, forgetting they had their gadgets in their pockets, or accidentally dropping their phone in the toilet.

Would you like to let people know when you have read their iMessage text on your iPhone? There is a simple way to automate this task. Go to Messages under the Settings section. You will see "Send Read Receipts." Switch this to on. Now the sender will be automatically notified when you read a message.

Take a screenshot. Do you want to show friends a creepy text message your ex just sent you? You can take a quick screenshot whenever you want. Just press your home button, and your on/off switch at the same time. Your screen should flash, and your screenshot will go to your pictures.

The reason why you can make the iphone
so customizable is because of the way it was developed. The openness the device has that allows people to customize the iphone to their desire allows the phone to be so popular. So what are you waiting for? God make your iphone purchase today.
2019-05-23 01:10:58, views: 1043, Comments: 0