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Things You Should Know About Your Iphone

Whether you own one, or plan to own one, knowing how your iPhone operates is key. When you understand how to make the most of the iPhone's multitude of features and capabilities, you take the experience to a whole new level. Read on to truly make the most of your iPhone.

There are some great educational apps for children available if you have an iphone. There are also some great games to entertain your children, and some of the games are also educational. If your child needs extra help with math, reading or science, check out which apps are available for his age and grade level.

Does your iPhone's battery drain too quickly? Try turning off the "Setting Time Zone" feature. You can access this by going to settings, then location services, and finally, system services. The, switch the setting from on to off, and chances are that your battery life will see a significant increase.

When you have an incoming call on your iPhone, you can silence your ring with a single button. By pressing the Sleep/Wake button one time, the ring will go to silent mode. If you wish to send the caller straight to your voice mail, you can press that button two times.

One of the great benefits of an iPhone is the ability to use Facetime, which you should fully take advantage of. This function allows you to see your friend or family member in video on the other side of the phone. This helps to personalize your conversations so that they are more profound and fun.

When in your iPhone mail, it is simple to save a copy of a picture that you might want to view later. Just touch the image for a few seconds and it will be saved to your stored pictures. You can then access it at any time if you want to view it again, post it on the web or forward it to a friend.

To increase your storage space on your iphone, take advantage of iCloud. This will only take you a few minutes to set up, and it can triple or quadruple the amount of space that is made available. This is especially useful if you store a lot of photographs or a big music library on your phone.

If you're an advanced message-sender who needs extended text options like letters with accent marks, the iPhone has you covered. Simply tap and hold a letter on the on-screen keyboard and a set of accented alternatives will pop up. Just remember to slide your finger directly to the accented letter you want. Lifting your fingertip will make the menu disappear.

If you are considering selling your iPhone, make sure you erase all of its settings and content prior to doing so to protect your privacy. There is a simple way to do this. Click on your iPhone's settings button and enter the General section. At the bottom of this screen is a Reset area where there is a button that allows you to erase everything from your phone, including the settings.

If you are always missing the best photos due to too many iphone
button pushes to get to the camera, get used to accessing the camera via the iPhone's lock screen. Simply slide your finger up on the camera icon and your photo application will immediately open. No more five button pushes and wasted seconds!

As with many smartphones, you're able to set your iPhone to give you a visual when you have an incoming call or message. There are plenty of options you can select here to give you an indicator. For example, your iPhone's flash can go off if the message is important. Just access the settings menu, then to "general" and next to "accessibility." Select "LED Flash" for your alerts.

The Safari browser on the iPhone allows you to do virtually everything you can do on a large computer, and that includes bringing images down from websites. When you find an image you want to keep, simply tap it and hold. You can save pictures to your iPhone's Camera Roll by using the helpful context menu that appears. You can even copy it into a message!

A great tip for using your iphone is to purchase some kind of app that will help you find restaurants near your location. There is actually an app available that will randomly bring up a restaurant according to what you put in such as mexican food, italian, or whatever you want.

If your iPhone is dropped in water, never turn it back on immediately afterwards to find out if it still works. Dry the outside of your phone and allow the rest of the phone to dry overnight. You can permanently short circuit the phone by activating it when wet.

If you have been longing for a convenient, accurate and user-friendly way to track your workouts and your fitness progress, the iphone
has the answer you have been seeking. By downloading one of the many highly-rated exercise-focused applications, you can kick-start your weight loss program and keep yourself accountable along the way.

Do you need to create folders to organize your emails? IPhones do not support this feature, but you can use your IMAP email account to create folders. Access your IMAP server and create different folders. Save your emails in the different folders you created: this should help you keep track of your important messages.

Set your iPhone to retrieve emails and other data less frequently. Some individuals have their phones set to retrieve these things every minute, and this drains battery life faster than almost anything else. If you instead set your phone to retrieve data every five or ten minutes, you will conserve your battery and therefore, make your phone more useful.

It is easy to understand why the iPhone is one of the most popular devices on the market. Having read this article, you can better understand why you made the decision to get an iphone
. Keep learning all you can. You have so much you can do, you might need more hours in the day.
2019-05-22 01:08:35, views: 866, Comments: 0