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Iphone Tips And Tricks To Make Life Easy

Do you own an iphone but, feel like you are not getting the full use of your device? Do you see other people interacting with their iphones more effectively? If this sounds like you, you can learn about your iphone and different ways to maximize your usage of it, starting today.

Rotate your iphone horizontally before activating the keyboard. Doing this will increase the size of the keyboard, making it easier to type. This is especially helpful if you have trouble seeing the small screen or have very large fingers. This can save you time and frustration with misspelled words or errors in auto-correct.

Did you just drop your brand-new iPhone in the sink or a pond? Don't worry! Make sure you don't turn the phone on. Instead, lightly towel dry it as much as you can. Don't use a blow dryer. Then, put the phone in a small bag filled with white rice and leave it sit overnight. The rice will absorb any water left in it.

If you type extensively on your iphone
, consider investing in an external keyboard. There are many wireless models available. They make typing documents, emails and other similar things easier. Some keyboards can even serve a dual purpose, as you can use them with your iPad as well as your iPhone.

To set restrictions on your phone, simply go to "General," and then "Restrictions." Put in a four number password that you can remember. You might want restrictions, particularly if you are a parent and want to restrict certain applications for your kids, and putting in this passcode will help you to do that.

When using Safari, make calls with one tap. Say you are surfing for a nearby dry cleaner. When you find a number, you don't have to go back to the phone menu to call. Just tap on the number and you will be instantly connected to the business you want to contact.

Would you like an easy way to take a picture of your phone's current screen? Try this! Press the home and sleep buttons at the same time, and wait for the sound of a camera clicking. Then, head over to your saved photos. You should see an image of your screen in the folder.

To make your favorite website a little faster and a whole lot easier, set it as your homepage. Although you can't do this as smoothly as you can in Safari on the Mac, you can access your preferred page easily with just one extra tap. Add the page to your bookmark's list, and then make sure it is at the top of the list. That way, you are only a couple of taps away from your favorite page.

Use your phone horizontally when you are inputting data. It is easy to forget, but the keys are much larger when the phone is horizontal, so it is so much easier to accurately input text. If you do not already have that capability on your phone, you can get the application from Safari.

Try snapping a photograph using the headphone cord. Start off by getting the picture you want and put it in the frame. Once you are prepared to take a shot, push down the button on the cord. Your picture is recorded. Next, you can save the picture using the same method that you normally would.

Are you sick of the annoying "suggest words" when trying to type a text or email on your iPhone? This problem can be easily taken care of. If there is a suggest words that you do not want to accept, just tap the small "X" found at the end of the word.

By dragging your finger to the right on your iphone
, you will be taken to a screen where you will be able to search your whole phone. Depending on what you type in, this will bring up anything from messages, to saved notes that you have on your iPhone for the ability to search your entire device.

When typing in a web address to visit a page, sometimes you may not know the domain name ending. Even if you do, there is a way to get it in the address bar faster. In the iphone world, this is very helpful. All you do is hold down the .com button in order to see different domain name endings. You can then choose from the list.

Many people have complained about iphone ringer volume issues. The reason for this is they are trying to use standard issue ringtones that are already available on their phone. While these are sufficient, if you want a better ringtone and better volume, you can handle this by purchasing ringtones from a store.

Has a good opportunity to take a picture passed you by because you couldn't get to the camera app quickly enough? If so, check this tip out. While you have the screen locked, quickly touch Home button two times. A camera icon will appear at the bottom of your screen after you do this. Double tap it to start the camera.

You should be careful using the Siri voice command system with your iphone
if you are worried about your privacy. Apple records virtually all voice prompts to Siri and stores them on an internal server. These files are great for advancing the technology of the main speech software, but it comes with the price of recording a great deal of your daily, spoken conversations.

When setting up your email accounts, make sure you select two different names. If you use the same name for your two or more email accounts, your iPhone will not be able to save different settings. Besides, you should choose different names for your accounts to avoid confusion; this is a good way to keep your personal life apart from your professional one.

These suggestions are just the beginning to using your iphone. Try them out, and use those that work best for you. An iphone is an expensive investment, you should get as much use from it as possible. Try these tips and you will begin to grow your knowledge base and enjoy your iphone.
2019-05-21 22:15:21, views: 914, Comments: 0