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Learn All About Using Your Iphone

Now that you bought your first iphone you are probably wondering about what this new technology can do for you. The article below offers you many great tips and tricks that will let you in on all the different functions of the iphone that many people are not aware of. Read on and learn some of those tricks.

If you have the misfortune of dropping your iPhone in water, use rice to dry it out. First, dry off the phone with a towel. Without turning the phone on, place it in a bowl of dry white rice for at least 8 hours. The rice will help to absorb moisture, and it may keep your phone from shorting out when you turn it back on.

Do not use any accessories for your iphone that are not made by apple. Other company's accessories have been proven to drain the batteries of the iphone, leaving them almost useless because they die so quickly. They can also cause other operation problems, so be sure that you always use apple accessories with your iphone.

In addition to countless other amazing features, it is important to note the iPhone's ability to be used as a portable e-reader. Because it is possible to download individual books as well as applications containing literary anthologies of virtually every description, you can conveniently carry your favorite classics or the latest best-seller everywhere you travel.

For faster photo taking, tap twice on your iphone's home button, and a camera icon will appear. Tap it again, and it will immediately bring up access to the camera. You can snap a picture using the volume (up) button on the phone or on the headphone cord. A pinch of the screen will allow for zooming.

Are you trying to set content restrictions on your iphone? You can do this for certain applications, such as explicit music or turning off YouTube access. You do this by going to General and then tapping restrictions. Enter your passcode, and the content you choose will now be restricted. This is a great thing to do when trying to protect your children regarding iphone

When texting on your iPhone, you can speed up the process by learning the shortcut for periods. Rather than clicking on the "123" button to bring up the punctuation screen, you can double tap on the space bar. This will automatically insert a period and a space in your message.

If you have your iPhone in hand and happen upon that once in a lifetime pictures, you can take it without unlocking your phone. Simply tap the home button twice while your phone is still locked. You will see a few icons, and one of them will be your camera icon. Take your picture and it will instantly be saved to your phone.

A terrific way to get even greater use out of your iphone
is to take advantage of its photographic shooting and editing capabilities. By customizing the camera interface and utilizing one or or more of the professional-quality editing applications available, you may find that you no longer need to carry a conventional digital camera.

Go to your camera quickly when your phone is locked. A good photo opportunity can come and go in the breadth of a heartbeat. To avoid missing out on such an opportunity, just give your iphone's home button two quick taps. This should immediately bring up your camera or the icon for it.

If you are a big fan of emoticons, the iPhone's "Emoji Keyboard" is for you. It allows you to use a number of different emotions, some even containing teardrops and hearts. To use the Emoji Keyboard, go to your setting, click on general, then keyboard and finally, the "Emoji Keyboard" option.

If your phone freezes, do not panic. First, give the sleep/wake control a try. If that fails try pressing the home button on your iPhone along with the sleep/wake button. That will reset your phone, but then it will power up again in just moments.

A great tip if you own an iPhone is to start using Facebook on it. Not everyone knows yet that Facebook and other social networks are accessible from the iPhone.

Your Iphone will do the typing for you if you set up shortcuts. In your setting menu, navigate to General/Keyboard/Add New Shortcut. You can create shortcuts for common phrases or words you type often by adding abbreviations or acronyms. When these shortcuts are typed, the words will automatically be put in.

Use rice to help your wet iPhone. If you have found that your phone has gotten water all over it, the best solution is to set it in a bag full of rice. Rice will draw out the water and absorb it, hopefully allowing water to leave your phone in a way that you can still use it.

Are there times you do not want your iPhone to switch from vertical display to horizontal display or the other way around? When you want to keep it from switching, you can quickly engage an orientation lock. Tap the home key twice, and then swipe left. Tap the looped arrow that appears, and that will lock your orientation.

If you have texting limits on your iphone
, you should make sure to keep track of how long your texts are. This is particularly useful if you are used to sending texts that are over 160 words in length, since that is the page limit. Anything after that will add additional pages, which means they cost more to send.

The iPhone makes it easy to put an email on hold until you have time for it later by simply pressing "cancel." Options will be displayed to either save, don't save or cancel. By selecting Save, the message will go into Drafts. If Drafts isn't available, one will be created following it.

Now that you read the above article, you should be up to speed with all the little technological advances of the iphone. The iphone is great little gadget, but it works best when you know all the tips and tricks. After reading the above information you should have some great knowledge about what the iphone is all about.
2019-05-21 10:06:28, views: 922, Comments: 0