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Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here!

Anywhere you go nowadays, you are sure to see someone on their iPhone. But, why is this device so popular? The answer is that there are so many positives to having one. The following article is going to explain to you why it is in your best interest to own an iPhone.

The iPhone uses diction. This helps because you don't have to type. You can enable this by tapping the microphone button on your phone and talking into it. When you are done, hit the stop button and it automatically types what you say. You can also use this feature to update your status on social-networking sites.

If you own an iphone, you should purchase a phone case immediately. The last thing that you want to happen is for your phone to explode into pieces because you did not protect it properly. Landing on concrete from just a few feet high can mean the demise of your phone, so protect it the best that you can.

Use your music section of your iPhone to create a full fledged music library for work or school. This can link directly to the iTunes on your computer, where you can download your favorite music onto your phone. Additionally, you can shuffle or repeat some of the songs that you enjoy the most on your iPhone.

This is the world of applications, and soon phones will be replacing laptop computers. If you haven't already taken a dive into iphones and applications, you need to do it now. iphones lead the market, and the applications available can handle much of your business that you need to take care of on a daily basis.

Hold your home button for six or more seconds to exit any app. Apps sometimes have a tendency to freeze. Don't lose your patience and start dismantling the phone in some frustrated attempt to shut the entire thing off. Just hold down your home button. This will force your iphone to exit the app.

For faster photo taking, tap twice on your iphone's home button, and a camera icon will appear. Tap it again, and it will immediately bring up access to the camera. You can snap a picture using the volume (up) button on the phone or on the headphone cord. A pinch of the screen will allow for zooming.

If you don't have an unlimited messaging plan, ensure that the character count setting is enabled on your iPhone. Messages over 160 characters will be split, using two messages instead of one. To turn on this feature, go to "Settings,'" then "Messages," and turn Character Count on. The counter will appear just above the "Send" button.

A good tip if you have an iphone is to customize it a little bit. There are many different skins that you can purchase for your iPhones that will make it stand out from everyone else's. It could be of a pattern you like or even of your favorite band.

When setting up your email accounts, make sure you select two different names. If you use the same name for your two or more email accounts, your iPhone will not be able to save different settings. Besides, you should choose different names for your accounts to avoid confusion; this is a good way to keep your personal life apart from your professional one.

When you open your email inbox on your iPhone, you'll usually see the first couple of lines of each message displayed in the list. Depending on your personal style, you may feel more comfortable with more or less preview information. Fortunately, you have lots of control over this feature. Just go to the Mail, Contacts, and Calenders section of your Settings and tap Preview. You can set the preview for anything from five lines down to zero.

If you see a word in any email or note that you are unfamiliar with, just press and hold on it. Your iPhone should bring it up in the newer dictionary feature so that you can know what the word means. This function works in iBooks as well as generally online.

If you have texting limits on your iPhone, you should make sure to keep track of how long your texts are. This is particularly useful if you are used to sending texts that are over 160 words in length, since that is the page limit. Anything after that will add additional pages, which means they cost more to send.

When you have your Bluetooth set plugged-in, your calls will be directly sent to it. However, you will not be able to listen to your voice-mail straight on your Bluetooth. If you want to listen to your voice-mails on your Bluetooth set, you should tap the Bluetooth button on your screen.

If you are like most iPhone owners, you love taking photos with the device. However, would you like to have the option to preview the picture you just took? You can by following this simple procedure. After you take the photo, start on the left of the screen and drag your finger to the right. This will show you a preview of the last picture you took.

Stream your favorite movies and games through your iPhones now. Iphones now hold contracts with the premier streaming companies, so you can watch Netflix and Hulu right on your iphone. This is a great feature to have if you are sitting in the back of a vehicle on a long road trip, or a have a long bus ride ahead of you.

When using your iPhone to listen to music, you can alter the icons that appear along the bottom of your screen. Click the Settings icon and select the Add More Icons option. This allows you to expand your list of icons so that you can become more functional when using your iPhone.

In conclusion, people all over can be seen on an iPhone. This is because an iPhone can be used to your advantage in so many ways. Now that you have read this article, you probably have a better understanding of why it is in your best interest to own an iPhone.
2019-05-16 10:14:26, views: 902, Comments: 0