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Don't Know If IPhone Is Right For You? Learn About This Amazing Device Here!

There are many smartphones on the market these days. They do everything from making standard phone calls, to taking pictures and running apps. Of all the smartphones that exist, there are none that can really compare to the iPhone. What are the benefits and advantages of owning an iPhone over another smartphone? Find out by reading the following article.

Your refurbished iphone can do almost anything you want it to. The phrase "there's an app for that" is partly tongue in cheek and partly real. Check out the app store for lots of great ideas and things that you can start using your phone to do, keep track of or remind you of.

Use rice to dry out a wet iPhone. If your iPhone lands in the toilet or you get it wet, this can help to save your device. Towel dry your phone and put it in a baggie filled with rice. When you wake up in the morning, it ought to be dried out.

Apple has made it super easy to get definitions for words. Whenever you see a word, you want to get a definition for, whether it's in an email, a text message, or on the internet, you can press on the word for a second or two, and a little pop-up will come up where you can select define.

If you accidentally drop your iPhone into water, do not proceed to turn it on! This can cause permanent damage to your phone because it will be short-circuited. Instead, you should use a towel to lightly dry it. Never use a hairdryer because this can push the moisture into the dry areas. Keep your phone in a bag or bowl of uncooked white rice overnight. If you do this, you have a better chance of reviving your phone.

Use your music section of your iPhone to create a full fledged music library for work or school. This can link directly to the iTunes on your computer, where you can download your favorite music onto your phone. Additionally, you can shuffle or repeat some of the songs that you enjoy the most on your iPhone.

On your iPhone, it is possible to look at PDF files in your iBooks. When you are on a website with a PDF, you want to view or a mail message, all you need to do is tap and then hold either the PDF link or icon. Then, simply select "open in iBooks".

Have you ever wanted to create a playlist when you're not at your computer? Well, now you can Open the music app and click the "Add Playlist" button. You can then give it a name. After that, you'll be able to click on individual songs, albums, or artists to add them to your new playlist.

If you are trying to clean up your iPhone screens by placing apps in folders, try placing the folder you are working on in your bottom app bar. This way, the folder stays with you no matter what page you are on. You no longer have to drag that folder from page to page as you clean up your apps.

Do you need to send a link to a webpage or a picture to a friend? Open the page, touch the address bar, and you should be able to send this link as an email. Send emails to yourself if you want to access a specific link on another device.

If you are in a call and cannot hear the person that you are talking to, you can adjust the volume settings on the left-side bar of the phone or put your phone on a speaker mode. This will help you to hear more clearly to improve the quality of your conversations with friends and family.

If your contacts do not use an iPhone, they may incur charges for receiving text messages longer than 160 characters. Access your phone's settings, then select the Messages screen. Finally, turn on character count. This will display the number of characters used while you tap out a text message. This allows your friends to communicate with you without incurring additional fees.

Set your iPhone to retrieve emails and other data less frequently. Some individuals have their phones set to retrieve these things every minute, and this drains battery life faster than almost anything else. If you instead set your phone to retrieve data every five or ten minutes, you will conserve your battery and therefore, make your phone more useful.

If you have an iPhone, make use of Facebook. Your iPhone can be used to quickly and easily access Facebook and use it to stay connected with your friends and family.

You should learn how to use your iphone to get directions to anywhere that you want to go. All you need is the map's application, and you can choose your destination and starting point to get the directions that you need. It is very easy and is almost always right.

Turn on character count in your text message settings. Not everyone has an iphone x. A simple tweak in the settings will turn on your word count. Leaving the SMS character count visible on your phone will help you be more considerate when texting friends or family without iphones of their own.

A good tip if you plan on using an iphone is to make sure you end up with the best plan. The best plan for everyone might be different such as a family plan or pay as you go plan. It's important to find the right one for you so that you don't' pay more than you have to.

Now that you've read this article, do you see how great the iPhone is in comparison to all of the other smartphones that are available? Even though there are other functional smartphones out there, they just can stand up to the power of the iPhone. After seeing the advantages that the iPhone offers, hopefully you will purchase one today.
2019-03-31 02:01:52, views: 979, Comments: 0