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Health vs. fashion. Why do Australians visit a dentist frequently?

Are you afraid of dentists? When was the last time you visited one? If so much time has passed since you barely remember it, you would be lucky if your teeth are healthy. As much as we try to take care of our teeth, there will always be small details that will go unnoticed and that can only be detected by a professional dentist.

Sometimes, caries go unnoticed by human eye. At first, they are so small that we can hardly see them. In addition, the vast majority of caries often appear between teeth, which makes detecting them even more difficult. Therefore, it’s necessary to visit a dentist at least a couple of times during the year.

Australians are people who care a lot about their teeth. In fact, if you go to a dentist in a busy area of the country, hardly you can find one that can attend you at the time. For example, a Toombul dentist could attend more than 10 patients on a fairly busy day.

But not only dental clinics located in the busiest shopping areas, such as a Toombul dentist, are the most requested in the country. Even those from small suburbs like a dentist in Nudgee, also have a pretty busy schedule. In fact, if you want to be attended by any dentist in Australia, it’s very likely that you have to request an appointment at least one day in advance.

Seeing this, we ask ourselves: Why a dentist Nudgee have so many clients these days? Why do Australians generally take so much care of their teeth? Actually, not only Australia is being affected by the new trend of visiting dentists monthly. Countries such as United States and England have also registered an increase in the number of visits per month in dental clinics.

Maybe many think: Is the number of people with caries increasing? Not necessarily. In fact, the vast majority of people who regularly visit a dentist don’t do so because of a health issue. In fact, the purpose is merely aesthetic.

Since the media has convinced us that we should have a white smile to obtain the perfect beauty, millions of people cannot live without tooth whitening. Doing tooth whitening isn’t bad. The error comes when we do it too many times.

The vast majority of teeth whitening products are based on hydrogen peroxide. This substance tends to weaken tooth enamel. For that reason, a few days after whitening, it’s advised not to drink dark beverages.

If a person drinks coffee, red wine, tea or a similar beverage after some whitening, microscopic particles of these drinks could stay inside exposed pores of teeth, making them stain. Once the tooth enamel is recovered, stain will be more difficult to wipe off.

The duration of whitening varies according to each person. In some cases, the effect may take longer and others less. Many people whose treatments don’t last the promised time, often repeat the procedure with other dentists, weakening enamel too much and exposing themselves to diseases such as caries.

For that reason, if you visit a dentist, do it for the right reason. Do it for health, and not for fashion.
2019-02-01 17:15:48, views: 10504, Comments: 0

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