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Network Security Engineer

Viruses - A computer virus is just like a biological virus. It contaminates your system, takeovers certain documents and does unapproved activities.

what is network securityt

Trojan horses - A Trojan horse will mask itself as a bland application but essentially has a malicious purpose.

Phishing - an email that appears like it was directed from a genuine business, however it is intended to steal individually recognizable data.

Spyware and adware - Software which enters your system and obtains personal data without the person's approval. It then gives the data to somebody else, yet again, without the individual’s approval.

Denial-of-service attacks - An attack that attacks a network with multiple appeals until it crashes.

Zero-day attacks - an attack that happens on the similar day the attacker learns a susceptibility. These are tricky because there's no time for the system to take cautionary steps.

A robust security protocol needs to be followed by a network security engineer and their team for best precautionary measures from any threats. A network security engineer must have the multi-pronged background which includes the information security, technology networking attributes.
2021-03-29 02:24:55, views: 59, Comments: 0