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A New Life with a Transplanted Liver Begins With Liver Transplant Surgery in India


A liver transplant is a surgery for removal of a liver that is not functioning well and replaces it with a healthy liver from a living or deceased donor. Your liver is your biggest internal organ and performs numerous important functions. The human liver regenerates and returns to its ordinary size quickly after surgical elimination of part of the organ. This makes living-donor liver transplant an opportunity to looking ahead to a deceased-donor liver to become available.

What happens during the liver transplant surgery in India?

Liver transplant surgery in India usually takes from 6 to 12 hours. During the operation, surgeons will remove the non-functioning liver and will replace it with the donor liver. Liver transplants normally take from 6 to 12 hours. During the operation, surgeons will remove the non-functioning liver by replacing it with the donor liver. As transplant surgery is the major one, patient will be put on several tubes. Those tubes are important to assist your body carry certain functions throughout the operation and for some days in a while.

Liver transplant hospitals in India

Why international patient prefer to get treated at best liver transplant hospital in India?

India has outclassed in adopting novel strategies and has turn out to be one among the largest medical tourist destination. The overall cost of liver transplantation in India is a procedure much less in comparison to other country that is a desire for the liver transplant procedure. However, there may be no change in the quality of care, infrastructure, hospitality or most significantly, the success rates. Best liver transplant hospitals in India is regarded for their outstanding infrastructure. Indian hospitals provide extravagant treatment and pioneer offerings at a minimum cost. Another USP of best liver transplant hospitals in India is that the experts in India boast of doctors who're renowned worldwide, that's why India has become the pleasant and the most cost-effective place to undergo liver transplant. There are various best liver transplant hospitals in India in different cities where transplant completed. The success rate of liver transplantation at best liver transplant hospitals in India is 95%, which is consider as the best success rate amongst all of the countries in the world today. Many international patients have underwent successfully liver transplant surgery in India.

India is a very viable preference for undergoing Liver transplant surgery in India especially due to the extraordinarily affordable price for the procedure.

Indian government issues guidelines and safety measures in pandemic periods for international arrivals

The government  issued new guidelines for international air passengers coming to India.

- As per the new guidelines, international travelers will be exempted from institutional quarantine on submitting a negative RT-PCR test record on their arrival in India.

- During travel, the ones who have not filled in the self declaration form at the portal shall fill the identical in duplicate inside the flight and a copy of it'll be given to health officials present at the airport.

- All passengers will be asked to down load Arogya setu app on their cell phones.

- Only asymptomatic flyers may be allowed to board after thermal screening.

Why choose India organ transplant services?

India organ transplant services are one of the foremost medical providers in India. You could be confident that you may receive safe, excellent, compassionate care from the best health care teams at any of our hospitals and health centers. Hand sanitizer is available at every front and at numerous places throughout each building. Every patient’s room is fully wiped clean and disinfected after every patient leaves, all our staff and physicians are screened every day. Our doctors, nurses and all medical staff participants sanitize or wash their hands before and after interacting with patients.

India organ transplant provides highest success rates by top liver transplant surgeons in India are considered amongst in the world. Get to know more about organ transplants in India Call: +91-9765025331


2021-03-11 23:09:44, views: 224, Comments: 0