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Want To Appear Offline On League Of Legends?

Do you want to simply unwind after a stressful day, with a cold beer and a solo game of League of Legends? Have you been trying to watch replays, purchase some new skins or champions, but your buddies Heather and Jason keeps trying to start ‘just one more game’ with you because they can see that you’re logged in? Do you simply dislike having any spectators on your game? You want to appear offline on League of Legends, able to just do your thing without anyone else knowing you’re there, right? Let me show you how.

You can do this in two different ways:

BLOCK THE SERVER’S IP ADDRESS: You can add a rule in your firewall that disconnects your PVP chat, making you appear offline on LoL. The process is straight-forward and easy to reverse. Here’s how it’s done:

• Open up the command prompt as admin – cmd.exe. Right-click and select “Run as Administrator”

• Copy the following text:
(for players in North America)

netshadvfirewall add rule
name=”lol” dir=out
protocol=TCP action=block
(for players in Europe West)
netshadvfirewall add rule
name=”lol” dir=out
Protocol=TCP action=block

Paste the copied text in the prompt box, and hit the ‘enter’ button. An ‘Okay’ will appear in the command box, indicating that you now appear offline.

To appear back online:

• open the command prompt – cmd.exe and run it as an administrator again.
• Copy the following text:
netshadvfirewall delete rule

• Paste in the prompt box and enter. This deletes the rule you created before, and brings you back online.

If you still appear online after creating the rule on the firewall, check to confirm that you’re running cmd.exe as an administrator, and ensure that the text you copied is correct.


Deceive is a third-party software that has been endorsed by Riot to help you appear offline on League of Legends. It blocks the connection to the LoL chat servers, ensuring that your friends do not even see you log in. Here’s how you do it:

• Download the software Deceive
• Launch LoL in Admin mode using the Deceive client, instead of the standard League of Legends client. Voila! LoL appear offline is successful.

If it doesn’t seem to work and you’re still visible online, try re-launching the game a couple more times; this should make it work. If you keep getting an ‘Error’ message, check if you’re running it in Admin mode, and try uninstalling and re-install LoL again. Deceive is very safe and legal – there’s no fear of stealing your data or login information.

Conclusion: Now you can enjoy some much-needed privacy on your favourite game…some space with zero disturbances from Heather and Jason. Keep playing!
2020-11-17 21:16:23, views: 181, Comments: 0