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Group Activities For Employees

The think tank at Taal Inc. Research and Training are constantly looking for new and innovative art-based activities for team building Pune. Here’s where you will get to read about a lot of innovative Group Activities for Employees, companies and organizations of all sizes. We’ve got drum circles for your team, ongoing (weekly) music/percussion classes (followed by a group discussion) for your team to facilitate creativity, innovation, and stress reduction. Imagine a group activity for your employees that motivates them, keeps them engaged and rearing to roll with the changes that are part and parcel of being in the corporate race. Imagine a team that strikes a good work-life balance and truly connects with one another (at and outside work).

At a time where employees work out of the comfort of their own homes and your team may be spread out all over he city of country, it is important to have ongoing Group Activities for Employees of your team. On our menu, we have Rhythm based activities, Creative Writing workshops, Creative Dance Movement sessions and more.

2020-10-30 22:04:09, views: 26, Comments: 0