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I really only made it

Battle for Azeroth has been an extremely alt-unfriendly expansion, but since the active Patch 8.3 grind begins to wow classic gold repay, it might be time to dust off a second character. Keeping up requires a few hefty attempt the first week, as you proceed through the intro quests and do your first collection of Horrific Visions to acquire your new Legendary cloak leveled. (Tip: Every single time Magni tells you to meet him somewhere, speak with him . He doesn't offer you the chance to skip scenarios until you do.)

But after the first effort, you can keep up within an alt by performing the weekly significant assault, the biweekly lesser assaults, one Horrific Vision, and whatever daily little visions you manage to squeeze in--these tend to only take a couple of minutes. You'll end up with two essences to your Heart of Azeroth legendary neck only from doing these steps, and another if you participate in the Ny'alotha raid on such character.

The Worldvein Essence, obtainable by conducting the weekly Expeditions quest, is comparatively easy to obtain and has been recently buffed substantially, becoming of the best essences for cheap classic wow gold some classes.
2020-10-30 12:48:36, views: 206, Comments: 0