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Vehicle Tracking—What are They Used For

The device that is used in vehicle tracking is called a GPS tracking device. The GPS tracking device uses twenty-four satellites in a certain arrangement to find the location of a vehicle. It is mainly used by various companies like rental agencies and car companies so they can see the cars on an interactive map using their PC. All vehicles can be tracked on the map, whether it is a car in Alabama or a SUV in Texas. They appear on the map as dots in various colors. Parked vehicles are represented by red dots, green dots for moving vehicles, and yellow dots for idling vehicles. The system keeps the positions of the vehicles that are tracked all day and then will show them in the form of a breadcrumb trail.

The GPS can be used for a variety of reasons such as:

• A courier company is able to track big, expensive items when moved from one place to a different place and can track delivery of the company’s inventory and mobile assets.
• A taxi company can keep track of their drivers and see who is wasting gas, doing jobs on the side using the taxi, or just lazing around.
• When the dealer sells a vehicle and they have not made a payment in a while the dealer can utilize the system to track the vehicle and reposes it.
• The rental agency can find the renter if they go over the speed limit.
• The GPS will allow you to disable your vehicles self-starter so no one can start it even if someone breaks in and attempts to steal it.
• The rental office can track the off the vehicle’s ignition activity and cut off the vehicle’s engine remotely by enabling the GPS vehicle tracking device
• If a vehicle is impounded because the driver does not have a drivers license it can be traced by using the GPS system
• The GPS can also be used for personal reasons like tracking their teenager who his driving their car.
• You can use the device to check how many gallons of fuel you have.
• It will let you know when your vehicle needs to have oil changed and how much fluid is in the vehicle
• It can also be used to figure out car insurance rates by various car insurance companies.

A GPS tracking system costs about two hundred dollars and takes approximately twenty minutes to set up the system under the dash. You can buy these at any electronic stores.
2016-05-20 13:18:48, views: 239, Comments: 0

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