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The main point to realize is two distinct events are going on. There is the scourge invasion and the questline, which requires players to Icecrown and sends gamers on a goose hunt for Nathanos. Then there is the zombie infestation, which adds just a bit of a PvP aspect to everything. It is not surprising a few people would want to get involved in the very first event but not the second, as not everyone enjoys PvP or having their class and race skills removed and replaced by other skills. Blizzard could produce the infestation only active for a few of the months of the invasion, but that is no fun for anybody who misses that week and would want to engage. An infestation is basically a PvP event , so having the capability to opt-in with Warmode makes sense. Even doing something where for classic gold wow the majority of the invasion, players needed to opt in the infestation by choosing Warmode, but at the last week, even before Shadowlands dropped, the infestation would influence everyone, would most likely be the optimal solution.

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The last couple of weeks have given us not only the launch date for Shadowlands but also the first two episodes .Afterlives" have already been released. In the exact same manner, Warbringers, Harbingers, and Lords of War set the stage for BfA, Legion, and WoD, respectively; Afterlives gives us a glimpse into a few of the phenomena from the shadowlands before we arrive there. If you have missed any of them, I strongly recommend checking out them. Not only are they entertaining, but they're always nicely done and a fantastic intro to an expansion, but especially for anyone who maybe not super up on the lore. However, before we could reach Shadowlands, we must do Pre-Patch!

For anyone not knowledgeable about this"Pre-Patch" term, it is the patch prior to a brand new expansion goes live. During pre-patch, all the significant system and course changes will go into effect, and normally, there is also an event which takes location and is only available during pre-patch. This time around, all character levels will probably be squished down (max level until Shadowlands goes live will probably be 50), all corruptions on equipment will become inactive, and the course talent and ability changes will go live. However, the Heart of Azeroth Essences and buy classic wow gold Azerite Gear Talents will not become inactive until we head to the shadowlands.
2020-10-27 13:40:38, views: 176, Comments: 0