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Bone Marrow Transplant in India Providing Real and Lasting Improvements in the Lives of Patients

Bone marrow transplantation is the implantation of healthy hematopoietic cells to treat malignant blood sicknesses. The approach is primarily based on the ability of bone marrow tissue to produce new blood cells. There are 3 types of bone marrow transplantation: autologous transplantation of own hematopoietic cells, allogeneic transplantation from a related donor and allogeneic transplantation from a non-related donor.

Bone Marrow Transplant in India

Steps to expect before and after BMT procedure

Patients identified with certain conditions that result in such procedure count on the following steps: chemotherapy (in case of blood cancers) to reach the remission stage of the disease, this is the time usually BMT operation is viable. In addition, patients undergo a health check screening to monitor the activity of important organs. In case of allogeneic transplants, donor search is triggered in family members. If no suitable matches are found, attention is diverted to donor seek in a local or international database. During this time patient is offered supportive treatment to keep the disease within the remission level. The biomaterial is taken from the donor and is stored even as the recipient goes through high dose chemo- and/or radiotherapy to suppress the patient’s very own bone marrow activity. After the procedure patient is placed in a sterile chamber with restrained acitivity for some days after which shifted to his private room. The postoperative period consists of regular tracking of the function and survival of the vital organs of the newly transplanted marrow cells.

India is emerging as the hub for bone marrow transplantation

A growing number of travelers from across the globe are flocking to India for the bone marrow transplantation that’s being provided with the aid of the green medical doctors of the country.  It has been estimated that bone marrow transplantation cost in India begin at round a tenth of the price of what it's in the USA or Britain. There are many well certified doctors and hospitals in India offering bone marrow transplant packages in India. The procedures often cost half as much (or less) in India compared to the US & Europe. Low cost bone marrow transplant in India does not necessarily imply lower healthcare standards.

Best bone marrow transplant packages in India offered to International patients

A wide range of bone marrow transplant packages in India are presented at a completely affordable cost. All the bone marrow transplant hospitals in India provide superior medical technology & health care centers with the aid of using the same medical knowledge and technology at an appreciably low price. Top bone marrow transplant doctors in India are properly trained and skilled, multi-lingual, with quite a number of them having passed through professional education in US, you could be confident which you are in the most capable of hands.

Here you read in detail about Top 10 Bone Marrow Transplant Specialist in India

Some of the advantages included in bone marrow transplant packages in India encompass –

- Speciality treatment

- Treatment-cum-leisure spot

- Availability of health experts

- Low-cost consulting fee

- No waiting duration for treatment

- Availability of advanced equipments

How will India organ transplant services help you throughout the medical trip?

India organ transplant services are supporting a huge number of patients from all around the globe coming to India for bone marrow transplantation with best results. We are associated with a team of top bone marrow transplant doctors in India, special bone marrow transplant packages in India are offered to patients of Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, Saudi Arabia, UAE, Oman, Yemen as special flight have already started from these countries imparting all protection measures in this period of pandemic with care and safety in first place for our patients  with thermal screening, hand sanitization at entrance & in the hospitals,  strict social distancing, compulsory mask, 1 attendant with 1 patient. India is getting worldwide appreciation to be the early risers; the Indian government has taken enormous proactive steps in controlling corona virus, which have been lauded by the western world.

India organ transplant group provides you the affordable BMT with the best hospital in India. Also the bone marrow transplant packages in India are substantially lower than other developed countries of the world.

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2020-09-22 21:19:30, views: 206, Comments: 0