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Tips for introducing fleet tracking to your drivers

You may have decided to use GPS tracking devices on your fleet; getting your drivers on board effectively is an important part of the process. Your drivers are the people who spend time with the vehicle and you, therefore, need their good will if this program is going to work effectively. Once you introduce a vehicle tracking systems, you will be getting a good return on your investment in terms of productivity for your company vehicles. GPS tracking systems are designed in such a way that they can be used to reward hard work in addition to eliminating bad driver habits that usually lead to great financial losses. Your best drivers will definitely embrace such a system but you need to also influence other drivers who may be wary of the system.

Safety: With the installation of the GPS system you will receive alerts that assist you to operate a proper maintenance schedule for all your vehicles. This means that all your vehicles will be up to date with tire rotations, oil changes, and other important servicing needs. GPS tracking can also expedite the recovery of a stolen vehicle in addition to other equipment and tools that may have been on board. Vehicles with GPS tracking are almost always recovered sooner thereby resulting in no damages; this ensures the reduction if your insurance premiums.

Service: Vehicle tracking is an important customer service tool; this ensures that customers cannot lodge malicious complaints about being overcharged. You have proof that helps you to back your drivers in terms of services rendered. With GPS tracking, you are able to respond fast to any customer needs with the result being happier clients and more business.

Savings: GPS fleet tracking has a number of benefits that increase the company’s revenue. Some of the most common ones are lower fuel costs, reduced premiums, enhanced productivity, improved dispatching as well as back office efficiencies. Your drivers should know that all these benefits will translate to direct benefits for them such as job security that comes with a financially stable company especially as the world faces tough economic times.

The money saved on fuel and other things can also translate to additional benefits at the end of the year. You can start reward schemes that are based on the data collected by the GPS tracking system as a way of boosting morale and help in enhancing acceptance for your vehicle tracking system. You need to educate all your employees that while the GPS tracking system is new in your business, it has become an industry standard and competitors are already using it and enjoying the benefits.
2016-01-26 22:20:20, views: 361, Comments: 0