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Dr Yash Gulati Offers Joint Replacement Surgery Care to Keep you Moving‎


Joint replacement is a surgical operation that allows overall relief from pain and progressed quality of life for patients suffering by painful joints. Joint replacement surgical treatment is a procedure that enables patients with arthritis to move with renewed ease, freedom of movement and comfort. Joint replacement surgical procedure is taken into consideration only when non-surgical treatment options are no longer effective in addressing arthritis signs and symptoms.

Dr Yash Gulati approach treating joint replacement surgery in India

Dr. Yash Gulati senior orthopaedic surgeon at Apollo Hospitals Delhi represents one of the most comprehensive of its kind in India, known for its dedicated focus on hip and knee replacement. He is a highly experienced healthcare provider within a state-of-the-art facility, ensuring a level of care that is personalized, evidence-based, and cutting-edge. He is committed to the diagnosis and treatment of disorders that affect the hip and knee, with arthritis of particular interest and concern. Through the coordinated efforts he provides thorough multidisciplinary care for all of his patients. He seeks to achieve the very best possible treatment outcomes by complementing surgical excellence with compassion, empathy, and sensitivity. He is the top orthopedic surgeon in Delhi who constantly strives for innovations in joint treatment. His participation in basic, translational, and clinical research allows him to explore exciting new methods for the advancement of care by him and beyond.


Bounce back faster with Dr. Yash Gulati best joint replacement surgeon in India

It is his belief many joint problems can be treated with non-surgical intervention, such as physical therapy, activity modification, bracing, weight loss, medications, or injections. In some cases, however, surgery is necessary. When surgery is needed, he employs state-of-the-art, minimally invasive, and blood-sparing techniques to improve pain and function and to minimize recovery time. He performs high-quality hip and knee replacement surgery and the treatment of sports injuries with an emphasis on highly personalized patient care and research. Based at Apollo Hospitals, Delhi Dr. Yash Gulati specializes in hip and knee replacement and performs the highest volume of these procedures in India.

Orthopaedic care backed by the experience of Dr. Yash Gulati best joint replacement surgeon in India

Dr. Yash Gulati top orthopaedic surgeon in Delhi performs more than 450 knee replacement surgeries every year. This high volume of surgeries gives him the experience needed to consistently achieve positive outcomes for patients. He provides expert-level evaluation and treatment of severe joint injuries and disease, offering the advanced surgical techniques and technology that patient needs to achieve the best possible outcomes. He is a leader in the field of orthopaedic medicine and often spearheads new innovations to improve joint surgery. For example, he was the first in India to use knee replacement techniques specifically designed for his patients. He is also a major referral surgeon for patients requiring rehabilitative care for joint pain. He is among the most respected in the nation. He provides the medical and scientific leadership that enables him to make an important difference in the lives of his patients.

Benefits of choosing Joint replacement surgery service India

We offer consultation from specialized surgeons and specialists operating in India have exceedingly reputed hospitals. Joint replacement surgery service India manages your case through medical case-control technique and gives you whole care thru bringing together different groups and specialists involved in patient care. Joint replacement surgery service India ensures customized and personalized services that are tailored to patient and clients' unique needs. When you first arrive in India, you will be assigned a case manager, who is your advocate throughout your treatment process. Your case supervisor is to be had 24/7 if you have any questions, want clarification or would just like to talk. We provide you with all kind of facilities which are necessary for your smooth and stress-free treatment.

Book an appointment now!
Call us today at +91 – 9765025331 or
Send an E-mail at dr.yashgulati@jointsurgeryhospital.com and we will respond at the earliest.

Read More: With Dr Yash Gulati Enjoy World-Class Orthopaedic Care in India
2018-08-07 16:58:37, views: 567, Comments: 0