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Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS)

A Network Intrusion Detection System (NIDS) is generally implemented or placed at strategic points on the network, intended to cover those places where traffic is most vulnerable to attack.

In general, it applies to entire subnets and tries to match the traffic that passes with a library of known attacks.

It passively examines the network traffic that comes in through the points on the network where it is deployed.

They can be relatively easy to secure and make intrusion detection difficult. This means that an intruder may not be aware that the NIDS is detecting its possible attack.

Network-based intrusion detection system software scans a large amount of network traffic , which means that they sometimes have little specificity. This means that they can sometimes lose an attack or fail to detect something happening in encrypted traffic.

In some cases, they may require further manual involvement from an administrator to ensure they are configured correctly.

An Intrusion Detection System (HIDS) runs on all computers or devices on the network with direct access to both the Internet and the company's internal network.

A HIDS has an advantage over a NIDS in that it can detect anomalous network packets originating within the organization or malicious traffic that a NIDS has failed to detect.

A HIDS can also identify malicious traffic originating from the host itself, such as when the host has been infected with malware and is trying to spread to other systems.

A signature-based intrusion detection system (SIDS) monitors all packets that traverse the network and compares them to a database of attack signatures or attributes of known malicious threats, just like antivirus software.

An anomaly-based intrusion detection (AIDS) system monitors network traffic and compares it to an established baseline to determine what is considered normal for the network regarding bandwidth, protocols, ports, and other devices .

This guy often uses machine learning to establish a baseline and accompanying security policy. It then alerts IT teams to suspicious activity and policy violations.

By detecting threats using a broad model instead of specific signatures and attributes, the anomaly-based detection method improves the limitations of signature-based methods, especially in detecting new threats.

Snort, one of the most widely used intrusion detection systems, is a lightweight, freely accessible, open source NIDS that is used to detect emerging threats. It can be compiled on most Unix or Linux operating systems, with a version available for Windows as well.

Read More: https://www.fieldengineer.com/skills/cisco-ips-specialist
2020-07-10 17:25:04, views: 1330, Comments: 0