
Location:VIC Australia
Flowers: 9, Eggs: 2


Choices of Yoghurt

These dairy products Perth is made by fermenting milk with yoghurt culture.  It will give you calcium and protein.  It may also enhance your healthy gut bacteria.  Some contain active, living bacteria known as probiotics, which helps to keep your intestines healthy.  If the yoghurt goes through heat treatment, it will have no active bacteria.  It contains vitamins B6 and B12, calcium, magnesium, riboflavin, and potassium.  It is a very nutritious food.

When you look for yoghurt, you will see that there are many different varieties to choose from.  There are ‘natural’ or ‘zero sugar’ written on the label of some yoghurts.  You need to make sure that even though they say this, they could contain modified corn starch or high-fructose corn syrup.  These ingredients can cause weight gain.  If you want to make sure that the yoghurt does not contain these ingredients, you can get the plain version and make your own with fresh fruit.

Types of yoghurt

  • Traditional unstrained—this is a thinner type of yoghurt because it has not been strained and has more liquid content. It is a good option for children.  The reason is that some children do not like the thick consistency of yoghurts.  It will give them the calcium they need to help with digestion and build strong bones.

  • Goat milk—this is a good option if your child is allergic to cow’s milk. It has a richer, smoother, and creamier texture.  The disadvantage is that it has a taste that turns some people off.  It tastes similar to goat cheese.  The fat count is generally higher.  You can lower the fat content by skimming the layer of cream off the top of the yoghurt.

  • Icelandic yoghurt—it is made with milk and live active cultures. It is then strained four times and has one of the thickest consistencies of all yoghurts.  It is usually made from skim milk but you can also get it in 0, 2, or 4 percent.    It has more protein per serving than other yoghurts.

  • Australian yoghurt—it is not strained and has a texture that is similar to traditional yoghurt. The thicker consistency is due to it being made from whole milk.  Unless you eat plain yoghurt, the flavored brand is sweetened with honey.  It has a tangy, sweet flavor with a lot of protein.

  • Soy yogurt—it is made from a soy milk base that is made from soybeans. Then to thicken it up, it is combined with live cultures.  It is low in cholesterol, dairy-free, and the yoghurt for those that are staying away from animal protein.  The consistency is almost a liquid and do not have any major flavors.

  • Greek—Greek yoghurt has become very popular in the past years and now makes up to 40% of the yoghurt market. This type of yoghurt has less sugar, twice the protein, and fewer carbs than other yogurt.  There are no FDA regulations on the processing or ingredients so make sure it has milk and liver cultures before buying it.

2020-06-25 17:22:42, views: 3774, Comments: 0

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