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Why Send Your Child to a Montessori School

Montessori is a private school system that was established in the early 20th century that focuses specifically on child-led learning. It is something children and parents both enjoy because it means children are happier to go to school and parents know they have made the best decision for their education, their well-being and their happiness. Where to send your child to school is a huge decision and it is going to have an impact on your child for the rest of their lives. There are several great options when it comes to Rockingham schools but here is why you might want to look closer at a Montessori school in particular.

How it got started

Maria Montessori is the founder of this method of education, she was an Italian educator. She worked first with children with special needs and it led her to develop a system they responded very well to. This then developed into her own school, the Casa de Bambini where she applied what she had learned and used the methods with all children. It proved very successful and today you can find Montessori school all over the world.

What are their goals?

First of all Montessori schools are all about the student, creating an environment they prefer, materials they need, and enabling them with those tools to lead their education and learning. When children can learn without having others place heavy expectations on them, they are more engaged, remember more of what they have learned and enjoyed the whole process more. They do not fear failure, or boredom or not understanding something. At the Montessori school Perth, they set their place, and teachers are there to encourage, support, offer advice and help as needed.

High curriculum standards

This does not mean the curriculum standards at these Rockingham schools are lower than other private or even public schools. That is not at all the case. Children still learn, they just learn the way that best suits them, in areas they find stimulating. They take initiative, develop independence and excel, it is just not in the same format or standards of testing. But this does not mean your child will not learn maths, reading and so on. When they leave a Montessori school they will have all the skills and knowledge they need.


Children attending a Montessori school Perth, still take part in a class with peers but classes are smaller and the teaching is not the standard method you see in many schools. Classrooms have a range of tools and materials, teachers help the learning process and help their pupils develop independent thinking, problem-solving, and more, all skills that are highly prized in the real world when they get there! If you are looking for a private school for your child and are thinking about stepping away from traditional methods of education to give them a chance at something different, Montessori is a great option. Children thrive in this style of learning.

2020-06-02 22:31:42, views: 5036, Comments: 0

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