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Jacob From California Gets His Energy Back After Successful Liver Transplant in India

"I loved India immediately. It just felt just like the right place to be"    

Jacob barber was 50 years old when a routine checkup discovered a very low platelet count. In the beginning, doctors suspected leukemia however then determined it was a form of liver disorder. "They advised me that with diet plan and medicine, I shouldn't have any issues for a long term — however that it is able to act up within the future," he recollects. From age 45 to 57, Jacob did what the medical doctors asked him to do. And he continued with his life — working as a police officer in California, and having 3 children along with his wife, who is a nurse.

By 2019, when Jacob became 60 he started feeling a lot extra tired, which doctors attributed to his liver condition. At that time, Jacob determined to make a way of life alternate. Things did not go in accordance to plan, though. Just a month and a half after he retired, Jacob had his first bout of liver failure and ended up in hospital for encephalopathy —confusion that outcomes when poisonous materials usually eliminated via the liver accumulate within the bloodstream. His physician urged Jacob to see a liver transplant surgeon outside California, to be very precise India would be a better option due to expertise of their liver transplant surgeon which contributes to the higher liver transplant success rates in India and the country is well known for their best doctor for liver transplant in India he decided to focus his search in India. Jacob’s search online for liver transplant in India led him to forerunners healthcare consultant. He was subsequently contacted by a forerunners healthcare case manager who after the initial round of questions requested Jacob to send across him medical reports from his earlier doctor visit. By the time Jacob’s case manager explained the procedure and provided him with top 10 best doctors for liver transplant in India to choose from.

Soon Jacob along with his wife and elder daughter arrived in India, his case manager made the necessary appointments with best doctor for liver transplant in India. By then his case manager had collected and collated all the blood tests and ultrasound results and had emailed them to the doctor. During the first consultation doctor conducted a physical evaluation, “I was all set to hear that I would need a Liver transplant”. After a conversation, Jacob learned about living-donor liver transplant. Living-donor liver transplant would allow Jacob to receive the transplant he needed sooner, if he could identify a suitable living donor. Mia his daughter immediately offered to be evaluated, but initially Jacob said no. But Mia insisted and went through the extensive evaluation process and found out she was a suitable donor.

Read More Patient Success Stories: Jordan Patient gets completely recovered after Affordable Liver Transplant Surgery in India

The morning of Nov. 23, 2019, Jacob and Mia arrived at the hospital for their living-donor liver transplant. His wife sat silently in the waiting room, anxiously waiting for hours. That day, they underwent a successful transplant as the liver transplant success rates in India are very high compared to any other place in the world.

It goes without saying that best doctor for liver transplant in India’s diagnosis and treatment has been very detailed and meticulous. The infrastructure, facilities and patient care team are commendable. They are professional and very organized”. After his two week’s medical trip to India, Jacob said, “I am thankful to the team of forerunners healthcare consultant for helping me to get the appointment of not only the right doctor whose liver transplant success rates in India is the highest but also for being on our side from the day we arrived in India till the day we reached back home safely. From cost of the treatment to evaluation and follow-ups, they have provided me with all the required information and assistance I needed for my treatment. I am grateful to them for helping me to have such a hassle-free medical trip for liver transplant in India and wish them all the luck”.   

To Get More Information about Cost of Liver Transplant in India contact Forerunners Healthcare Consultant, the No.1 Medical Tourism in India call us on 91-9371136499 Or email us at






2020-04-15 19:26:47, views: 289, Comments: 0