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jr system administrator salary

The number of security threats is growing from year to year, and manufacturers of smart devices do not always pay enough attention to the timely release of updates. In this situation, we have only one way out differentiation of home network clients and creation of isolated segments for them. To do this, you do not need to buy equipment for tens of thousands of rubles, a relatively inexpensive household Internet center can handle the task. Here I would like to warn readers from buying devices of budget brands. Almost all manufacturers now have more or less the same hardware, but the quality of the embedded software is very different.

As well as the duration of the support cycle for released models. Even with a fairly simple task of combining in an isolated segment of a wired and wireless network, not every household router can handle it, and you may have more complex ones. Sometimes you need to configure additional segments or DNS filtering to access only secure hosts, in large rooms you have to connect Wi-Fi clients to the guest network through external access points, etc. etc. In addition to security issues, there are other problems: in public networks, it is necessary to ensure the registration of customers in accordance with the requirements of Federa. Inexpensive devices are capable of solving such problems, but by no means all ‚ the functionality of the built-in software for them, we repeat, is very different.

More info @ jr system administrator salary
2020-03-23 19:13:32, views: 526, Comments: 0